Body , Mind and Soul Wellness


6 Modules 3 Chapters 31 Lessons Easy

About this course

About the Course:

Trinity Course is one of the rare courses which focuses on all aspects of Body , Mind and Soul. Many of the courses , are usually focused on one of these dimensions. However, if one wants to reach there full potential, it is important that we progress on all planes. This course ,  provides you with simple tools and techniques enabling you on the path of self discovery.

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INR 1299/-
1 Lesson

Welcome to Trinity

Trinity Course is one of the rare courses which focuses on all aspects of Body , Mind and Soul.

Welcome to TRINITY

Welcome to Trinity: It is in Harmony of Body mind and Soul , that we flourish and BE . 
INR 1299/-
1 Chapter

The Practical Body Transformation

The Five Evil whites that are compromising your physical health , leading to increase blood sugar levels, increased water retention and slow metabolism. Watch the scale move, as you make these changes in your lifestyle.
INR 1299/-
1 Chapter

Befriending the Monkey Mind

This module covers the three Pillars of Mental wellness , Mindfulness
INR 1299/-
1 Chapter

Breaking through the Spiritual Realm

This module will talk about spirituality, its meaning , and significance of having spiritual relationships and how to go about it  
INR 1299/-
1 Lesson

End of Section

It took 10 years to put this knowledge together and package it in a way that would benefit you for having a holistic life.
INR 1299/-
1 Lesson

Bonus Section

Here , you will find bonuses related to your overall wellbeing and progress. 
